In the Home Inspection field, we run across an array of
defects ranging from common issues, to life threatening issues. I would like
to share some photos and stories of some obvious deficiencies found, please
Photo #1 - Large ceiling beam(s) connected
with a metal strap, no vertical support for entire span of room
(approximately 25 feet long).

Inspector Opinion: Lets start by saying that beams provide
structural support to the homes framing members. In this particular
situation vertical support should have been added right near this separate
beam transition. Without this vertical support, these beams will start to
sag and split at the strap, resulting in collapse of the structure. Now I
understand not all people were born to be Home Inspectors, but it does not
take a genus to see that this configuration is dangerous. As Inspectors, we
see configurations like this very often in DIY (do-it-yourself) situations.
I would like to close this opinion with a pleading: if you are responsible
for constructing this, please put the hammer down!
Photo #2 - Large burn mark/hole in a
bathroom receptacle.

Inspector Opinion: Wow, where to begin here! I'm really
curious to know at what point this homeowner was going to call an
electrician, perhaps after the Fire Department put out the fire? Seriously
now, this is a serious safety hazard that should not be taken lightly.
Anytime discoloration is noted at a plug or any other fixture/switch, it
needs to be evaluated and addressed by a licensed electrician immediately!